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News — Law of Attraction

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

Posted by Anita Dalton on

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

As we learn to recognize our part in life’s lessons, we then empower ourselves to turn even the worst experience into a positive experience. We can do this by making better choices.Try starting each day with Spirit. It takes only a few minutes to say, “Holy Spirit, what would you have me do today, who would you have me see, who would you have me speak to, guide me through my day with love and compassion.”Believe in the good in yourself and others. Tell others what you admire about them. Notice how good it feels to make someone else smile.Heal...

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The Law of Attraction, A Law of Nature

Posted by Sedona NewAge on

The Law of Attraction, A Law of Nature

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”   The Buddha thus explains the Law of Attraction in a nutshell. Most people have heard of The Law of Karma, which theorizes that acting in a positive manner will come back to you with good results.  The emphasis here is on the “good” aspect.  The Law of Attractions states that whatever you send out into the universe will come back to you…..good, bad or indifferent.The Law of Attraction works for everything, not just nice behavior.  The thoughts we think, feelings we feel, words we say, and actions we...

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